Nature’s Rhythmical Processes
Nature is not served by rigid laws, but by rhythmical, reciprocal processes. Nature uses none of the preconditions of the chemist or the physicist for the purposes of evolution. Nature excludes all fire for purposes of growth on principle; therefore all contemporary machines are unnatural and constructed according to false premises. Nature avails herself of the biodynamic form of motion, which provides the biological prerequisite for the emergence of life. Its purpose is to UR-procreate ‘higher’ conditions of matter out of the originally inferior raw materials. This gives the evolutionally older, or the numerically greater rising generation, the possibility of a constant capacity to evolve. Without any growing and increasing reserves of energy there would be no evolution or development. This results first and foremost in the collapse of the so-called Law of the Conservation of Energy and consequently the Law of Gravity and all other dogma lose any rational or practical basis. The solid, liquid, gaseous, aetheric and energetic content of the organism – water, are not impurities as contemporary science would have us believe, but should be considered as aspiring (latent) energetic substances.
–Viktor Schauberger – Vienna 30 Nov.1940.
(Implosion Magazine, No.81, p.6)
With present methods of regulation these are expelled. They can only be retained in the water, if it moves sinuously along very particular systems of curves. The so-called carrying capacity and tractive force11 of water are not derived from any mechanical thrust. They are the biological consequence of self- evolving life-forms, which are built up through a hitherto unknown form of tension or potential. As an energetic nucleus it is the product of the organic syntheses that occur after the atoms of the basic elements have been dissociated.
Free and unlimited mechanical power
The most interesting aspect in this regard is that the inner carrying and tractive forces in naturally flowing water can be separated, enabling their use as a natural, formative force or as a natural, motive force. The biological outcome of the exploitable inner force of this organism – water, on the one hand is almost unlimited abundance of food, and on the other, if the formative component of this natural force is switched off, absolute freedom of motion can be achieved. In short, the result is free and unlimited mechanical power.
Contemporary agricultural and economic practices are the cause of the decline in the quality of soil produce. From a more naturalesque12 stand- point this concerns the suppression of all biological and indirect intermedi- ate processes. In order to prevent this it is necessary to ensure that agricultural equipment for biological farming is suited to Nature’s purpos- es. If we wish to continue to exist, we shall have to become accustomed to substantially different ways of working or adapt ourselves to natural forms of motion, whose patterns we can find in Nature. Then everything that we can see around us or are otherwise aware of will be provided in superfluity.
What I have stated above is absolutely no product of wild fantasy, but is a fact that can be proven in every case. No scientist can deny this, because the devices have already been built that produce these organic products of syn- thesis. With the aid of these ‘higher’ creative forces produced by biochemi- cal motion, the fundamental Law of Mechanics (that resistance to motion increases with greater velocity) is rendered null and void. The resistance decreases with the naturalesque movement of the apparently lifeless con- tents of those organisms — air and water.

‘Tractive force’
This refers to the force described hydraulically as ‘shear force’ – the force that dredges and dislodges sediment. In German the term for shear force is ‘Schubkraft’, whereas Viktor Schauberger uses the word ‘Schleppkraft’. The verb ‘schleppen’ means to drag, draw or pull. Viktor Schauberger’s choice of ‘Schleppkraft’ here is quite specific, since in his view the movement of sedi- ment is due to the sucking action of fast flowing, dense cold water downstream, rather than to the mechanical impact of the water coming from upstream. In view of this subtle change in emphasis, in lieu if the hydraulically correct term ‘shear force’, the term ‘tractive force’ will be used. This dynamic is similar to the effect of wind on roofs, where a roof is blown off not by force from the windward side, but rather by the sucking effect of vortices created on the leeward side. –
‘Naturalesque’: As adjective or adverb, in the Oxford English Dictionary this is defined as “Having the characteristics of Nature or natural objects.” and “Imitation or adherence to nature.” Its use here and elsewhere is to differentiate between processes and objects that occur naturally and similar objects and processes that are technically contrived so as to accord with Nature’s own func- tions.
Estranged from Nature, humanity does not understand water from which all life emerges. It believes that by abrogating water’s rights and forcing it to flow according to its laws, it can build up the energies that evolve from the deceased remains of former life. These energies are necessary to allow the vastly increased, evolutionally older to come into existence so that after their own death they too can serve the following generations as a source of ‘spiritual’ influx or ‘in-spire-ation’.
Nature’s ways are always indirect
Nature Operates only Indirectly “How else should it be done then?” is always the immediate question. The answer is simple: Exactly in the opposite way that it is done today! Very simple observations reveal that Nature’s ways are always indirect. It is through our sheer intransigence that we always find it necessary to adopt the most direct approach. Therefore we should not complain if as a result we are constantly at odds with almighty Nature.
All we really need to do is adapt ourselves intelligently to Nature’s mar- vellous order: To understand that it is indeed both foolish and futile to light against her forces and to realise that if left to itself all would other- wise happen of its own accord.
Moreover the recovery we so fervently desire would then come about quite automatically. Nature constantly indi- cates the right paths to take. Most certainly these new ways will lead in the opposite direction to the one we are wont to take. This is only to be expect- ed, because it is the present direction that has led to our undoing. All those who seriously wish to travel this new road should take note of the following explanations.

Questions for Science
“My dear friends! We move everything back to front. What we are doing is incorrect and contrary to Nature. Nature moves in other ways. She primarily employs attracting or sucking energies, since these are indispensable to Nature for the growth and maintenance of life. Nature only uses pressural energies and explosive forces for destruction and reducing quality. The work of atomic physicists is also upside down. They would be more accurate if they started with simple nuclear fusion. They should set about the cold transformation of hydrogen into helium, as Nature has done over the millions of years of Creation. Today’s technology has grasped the tiger by the tail, because it splits the heaviest atoms with the greatest development of heat and an enormous expenditure of energy.” V.S. – (Implosion Magazine, No.51, p.22).
Since the very beginning of time the Sun has tood above everything, star- ing down in icy silence at the frenzied activities of humanity, who regard it as a fiery orb. How could it be otherwise, such is their direct mental approach towards life? Yet the closer we approach this source of light and heat, the colder and darker its face will become. The nearer we are to it, the brighter the stars will be. As its light diminishes, heat, atmosphere, water and life will also disappear.
- What serves the Sun as a carrier of light and heat, if, in the view of our learned scientists, space is a vacuum?
- Why is the light and heat in the tropics more diffuse, and at the poles the Sun’s light more intense and its radiant heat less?
- Why is water at the poles warmer at the bottom? Why is the sunlit sur- face so icily cold?
- Why doesn’t the warmer, lighter bottom-water of the sea rise upwards?
- Why are water temperatures at the equator so warm? Why is it that it gets colder with increasing depth, and why does it get warmer again below the boundary layer of +4°C (+39.2°F), and why does Life begin there anew?
- Why do the magnetic lines of force run from south to north, and why does the Earth rotate from west to east?
- Why does a top stand upright when it is spun from the side?
- Why is the desert so dead despite all the heat?
- How is it that the warm Gulf Stream can push cold seawater aside and wend its way for thousands of kilometres over ocean mountains and val- leys in a reversed temperature-gradient, without the assistance of a mechanical gradient?
- Why does groundwater in walls rise far above the surface of the ground?
- Why don’t wooden posts rot under water, but always above it?
- Why do damp tiled roofs dry out from the eaves towards the ridge?
- Why can rising cold water pierce through the hardest rock?
- Why doesn’t the Earth’s warm air rise?
- Why is it so cold at the top of a mountain – nearer the Sun?
- Why is it warmer nearer the ceiling and colder at the floor in our houses when an artificial source of heat is used?
- Why do gases condense with a decrease in temperature, and why don’t the fiery gases of the Sun, with supposed temperatures of over 6000°C (10,832°F), stream out into space?
- Why does marble expand with heat, and why doesn’t it contract again with cold?
- Why do west->east flowing water-courses fertilise their banks?
- Why are the banks of east->-west flowing rivers so barren?
- Why are the banks of south->north flowing watercourses fertile on one side only?”
- Why do rivers flowing into cold seas migrate laterally to the north?
- Why does the salt content of the seas vary?
- Why do herrings migrate northwards in winter?
- Why do deep-sea fish glow?
- Why do cold-blooded animals carry fever-inducing poison?
- Why does a cold fever occur in the tropics? Why does a warm fever arise from a chill? What is fever anyway?
- What is temperature? What is heat? What is cold?
- What is energy?
- Why does the heart beat in our breast? Who gives this muscle its impulse to move? Where is the motor for this pump? Why does blood circulate in our blood vessels? Why do we breathe day and night, when asleep and even when totally unconscious?
- Why do the fluids in a chicken’s egg circulate without a heart?
- Why do light-demanding timbers have a thick bark, and shade-demanders only a thin one?
- Why does a trout stand still in a raging torrent, as if by magic?
- What is it that keeps the Earth floating in space?
- Does the heart beat because we breathe, or do we breathe because the heart beats? Where is the heart of a plant?
- Why does water pulsate and breathe? Why does groundwater manage to remain on the sides of mountains and why, growing colder and heavier, does it rise upwards? Why does it frequently spring from high peaks?
- Why do deltas and estuaries develop?
- What is evaporation? What is vaporisation?
- What is dissolution, what is combination, what is absorption, and on what effects are these processes founded?
- Why is our body-temperature sub-normal when climbing a mountain and above normal as we descend?
The Error of Civilisation
Is there really such an enormous difference between the breaching of a riverbank and the bursting of our blood vessels? Is it really necessary that the last human being must rot away alive before we all become consciously aware of the errors of our ways? Why can we not admit to ourselves that it North->south and south->north effects are reversed in the southern hemisphere. —is our senseless activity that is killing us?
Do we actually have the right to stuff such worthless knowledge into our children, when science has already led us to the very brink of disaster? Where does our knowledge begin and where does it end? Does anyone still dare to speak of science and culture in the same breath? Are our children actually wrong if they refuse to be instructed by their par- ents and teachers, and choose to go their own way? Is one seriously to believe that hunger can be appeased by political phrases and bayonets?
Are there really still people who believe that improvements can be achieved through coercion, when work undertaken of their own free will has already brought such unspeakable misfortune? If this be true, then let Nature quietly continue to so prevail, for she will then do great and noble work.
Nature is simpler in her effects and more complex in her functions than our rational minds can conceive.
The Road To Free Energy
More energy is encapsulated in every drop of good springwater than an average-sized power station is presently able to produce. These energies can be generated effortlessly and almost free of cost if we follow the path which Nature constantly shows us and abandon the blind alleys of conventional technology. Happiness and health are available to us just as near cost-free as unlimit- ed energy, if we but once realise that in water dwell Will and its resistance, Life.
We struggle so hard for these today, because in all our endeavours we constantly rob the bearer of all Life (water) of its noblest possession, its soul. The Will of Nature serves all things and expresses itself in growth by way of atomic dissociation and transformation. It is only through our obsession with atom-destroying work and our selfish over-exploitation of her resources that we encounter Nature’s resistance. The only possible outcome of the purely categorising compart-mentality, thrust upon us at school, is the loss of our creativity.
People are losing their individuality, their ability to see things as they really are, and thus their connection with Nature. We are fast approaching a state of equilibrium impossible in Nature. This equilibrium must force us into total economic collapse, for no stable system of equilibrium exists. The principles upon which our actions are founded are therefore invalid because they operate within parameters that do not exist. Our work is the embodiment of our will. The spiritual manifestation of this work is its effect. When such work is properly done it brings happiness, and when carried out incorrectly it assuredly brings misery.
Humanity! Your will is paramount! You can command Nature if you but obey her. Do not complain if you must become her slave!