European Union Flag illustration
‘The sovereign nations of the past can no longer solve the problems of the present: they cannot ensure their own progress or control their own future. And the Community itself is only a stage on the way to the organised world of tomorrow.’  Closing Words of Jean Monnet’s Memoirs ‘Europe’s power is easy to miss. Like an “invisible hand” it...
conspiracy eye
FDR once said “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” He was in a good position to know. We believe that many of the major world events that are shaping our destinies occur because somebody or somebodies have planned them that way. If we were merely dealing with the law...
The United Nations
The history of how the United Nations was created is a classic case of diplomacy by deception. The United Nations is the successor to the defunct League of Nations, the first attempt to set up a One World Government in the wake of the Paris Peace Conference which gave birth to the Treaty of Versailles. The Threat of the United Nations. The peace conference opened at Versailles, France on January 18, 1919, attended by 70 delegates representing the international bankers […]...
Serfdom by debt
What is wrong with a little debt, cautiously applied and wisely managed? The response is absolutely nothing, as long as the debt is based on an honest exchange. There is plenty wrong to it as soon as it is based upon fraud. What is the difference? A sincere exchange is one wherein a borrower pays off an approved amount in...
first world war
The first World war and its secret origins is a book written by Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor. What this book “HIDDEN HISTORY” sets out to prove is that unscrupulous men, whose roots and origins were in Britain, sought a war to crush Germany and orchestrated events in order to bring this about. 1914 is generally considered as the starting point...
Knights of malta
The secret about the Templars would not be if it had not been made to be by circles and powers who had and have an understandable interest – from their point of view – to keep the truth in obscurity.  Originally known as the Knights Hospitaller, the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta was founded in the 11th century in Jerusalem, where it protected Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Sepulchre. When the […]...
Jan Kozak's manual
The strategies for taking over free governments. One might ask today, years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: Why would anyone want to read a report by a communist about the revolutionary takeover of Czechoslovakia? A country that no longer exists? The Czechs are capitalists now, remember? Such a question reveals a number of erroneous assumptions that this book...
printing press
The destruction of the worldwide economic order in the wake of World War II encouraged world leaders in 1944 to form a meeting to generate alternatives. This conference, referred to as Bretton Woods, resulted in the development of a new global fixed exchange rate regime with the U.S. dollar playing a central role. Under the Bretton Woods system, an ounce...
This is an update of Last year’s 2017 article – See Addendum below. HAARP is the trip-off-the-tongue abbreviation for the mouthful that is America’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program housed near Gakona, Alaska. Here, on a 33-acre site, scientists transmit a 3.6million megawatt signal into the ionosphere. Then other colleagues in white lab coats can understand and control ionospheric processors that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems. HAARP is about improving communications? No, it is not, say […]...
World War 1 tragedy
A book dedicated to the victims of an unspeakable evil: HIDDEN HISTORY The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor Their book starts like this: “A carefully falsified history was created to conceal the fact that Britain, not Germany, was responsible for the war. Had the truth become widely known after 1918, the consequences for...
Konigsberg Castle
Did you know that witches consider amber as the best gemstone for locking thoughts and memories in place and keeping them safe? Known for its soothing properties Amber was used medicinally for thousands of years for headaches, heartaches, and pains of all kinds. (another hint in the Maier-files puzzle). One of the important threads in the Maier files series is...
The IMF and the World Bank, were created at a meeting of global financiers and politicians held at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1944. Their announced goals were to facilitate international trade and to stabilize the exchange rates of national currencies. The unannounced goals were quite different. They were the elimination of the gold-exchange standard as the basis of currency valuation and the establishment of world socialism. The method by which gold was to be eliminated in international trade was […]...
Maier files books