Let us take as an hypothesis, as Callum Coats in his book about Viktor Schauberger proposes, that the Ur-original source of energy is a radiant emanation from the Cause of Causes, from “God”, or better still, from the Eternally Creative Intelligence (ECI) to avoid any gender implications. As in the Eleusinian mysteries schools it’s called the Goddess. Of necessity an entity such as this ECI must constantly create on the process of Its own evolution....
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Maier Files
Everything relating directly to the Maier files series: fragments, backstories, tidbits and histories. Delving into the real history that inspired the world of Maier files.
The story of the Goose Girl starkly shows the process that sets out when any one chooses to neglect or simply reject reality. And as a result chooses not to move into action. The Goose Girl, once an exquisite little princess who held tremendous promise, slowly but surely lost her dignity, her horse, her clothing, and last but certainly not least her personal identity. Your identity is not only who you were, nor is it...
The idea of the importance of coincidences, as such, was introduced by Paul Kammerer in 1920, in his book Seriality, in which he logged a hundred amazing examples. His complex idea intrigued Einstein and was expanded by Carl Jung, who changed Kammerer’s term to the more widely used word synchronicity, or “meaningful coincidence.” Like Kammerer, Jung noticed that if two events were not causally related, but connected by meaning, it therefore established that a human mind was required to see […]...
We take it for granted that the past is fixed and time is linear. History always happened the way we remember it happening. But how do we know for sure that that’s the case? Otto Maier started to work on a project called “Nornir” in the 30ties and 40ties. To understand project Nornir and its goals you need to step into a forgotten old Germanic worldview and its concepts about Time and Destiny … Many...
Tom Bearden, a Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army (Retired). President and Chief Executive Officer, CTEC, Inc. MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, is a deep, precise thinker who knows his fundamentals. He discussed the cold war, his interpretation of UFOs, and his ideas about human perception. “Consciousness is time, specifically time delay,” Bearden said. At particular points in time, the physical and mental worlds are identical. Humans, as products and reflections of the universe, are...
The iconography of The Ghent Altarpiece has since a long time fascinated researchers. When it was finished in 1432, the work of art became instantly the most famous in Europe. It was the first real oil painting. Oil had been utilized to tie shades to artistic creations since the Middle Ages, however Jan van Eyck was the first to exhibit the genuine capability of oils, which permit far greater subtlety and detail than largely-opaque egg-based tempera paint, which was preferred […]...
TIDBITS – backstory Maier Files – Within the insider circles of the international community, much of the atrocities and problems of WW1 were blamed on the gold standard — for the reasons outlined in Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations from 1776. It was sufficient to convince Emperor Hirohito of Japan to travel to the United Kingdom and sign a secret pact, in 1921, to create the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). The BIS was...
The Zillertal lead boxes. One of the many mysteries and anomalies in history of World War Two. This strange account took place on May 2 of 1945. On that day an unknown Company dressed in SS uniforms delivered a convoy to Zillertal Mountain Pass. There a select group of officers took possession of a number of heavy lead-lined boxes. In a torchlit ceremony the officers transported the boxes to Schleigeiss Glacier at the foot of...
In the labyrinthine tales of the Maier Files series, few characters stand out as vividly and enigmatically as Traute Rose. A key member of the Hexekommando during World War II, Traute’s blend of intelligence, bravery, and mysterious allure has captivated readers and left an indelible mark on the story’s intricate tapestry. Today, we are thrilled to present a heartfelt tribute to Traute Rose, set to the hauntingly beautiful melody of “Wo bist du?” by Unheilig & Licky. This video, rich […]...
U-boat missions in Scotland. The Maier files story mentions a special U-boat mission into Scotland (Maier files Unternehmen Kelch). Could there be any trace found about such secret mission, and were there any German submarines spotted around early December or late November 1939 at Carradale Bay, Firth of Clyde or the isle of Arran? The Firth of Clyde forms a large area of coastal water sheltered from the Atlantic Ocean by the Kintyre Peninsula, which encloses the...
There are a lot of old rumors of work in time experimentation. Especially during the early 1990s at popular UFO-conferences. One of the hypes was the “Montauk Project“. Which is believed to be an extension or continuation of the World War 2 Philadelphia experiment. Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon wrote a book about this topic titled The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. It resulted in an entire series detailing supposed time travel experiments at the Montauk Air Force Base at the eastern...
In physics, we speak of energy and its various manifestations, such as electricity, light, heat, etc. The situation in psychology is precisely the same. Here, too, we are dealing primarily with energy . . . with measures of intensity, with greater or lesser quantities. It can appear in various guises. . . . As I worked with my fantasies, I became aware that the unconscious undergoes or produces change. Only after I had familiarized myself with alchemy did I realize […]...