“History is bunk” is a cliché with which we are all familiar. Having studied usury and fractional reserve banking intently and knowing who was behind it all, when Henry Ford uttered those famous words in 1916, what he really meant to say is that history is untrustworthy. The second factor is that history is full of omissions, which Ezra Pound warned students of the University of Wisconsin in a paper...
Throughout history, the true movers and shakers of world events have often remained shrouded in mystery, their influence concealed behind the facades of nations, ideologies, and economic systems. Among these hidden forces, few have wielded as much covert power as the Venetian oligarchy, a financial aristocracy that, though rarely acknowledged, has played a pivotal role in shaping the modern world. The story of Venice is not just about a city-state...
For those who are reading the Maier Files and guessing that the story of Otto Maier, Oskar Gross and their struggle with the occulted Criminal Banking Cartel is just a fancy tale, think again. The goal is indeed control. They want all of us enslaved to debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the huge financial contributions that they funnel into their campaigns. Mrs. Karen Hudes is telling […]...
The greatest secret of the 20th century was how the gold and treasure of the world was systematically plundered and hidden away… only to be used as collateral for vast, secret bank accounts. If your plan calls for the complete destruction of the global economy, you need a global currency that is backed by nothing but “faith and credit.” The article of December 1, 1934, reveals a total excess of...
The world’s most exclusive club has eighteen members. They gather every other month on a Sunday evening at 7 p.m. in conference room E in a circular tower block whose tinted windows overlook the central Basel railway station. Their discussion lasts for one hour, perhaps an hour and a half. Some of those present bring a colleague with them, but the aides rarely speak during this most confidential of conclaves....
“The House of Morgan” is about the rise, fall, and resurrection of an American banking empire—the House of Morgan. Perhaps no other institution has been so encrusted with legend, so ripe with mystery, or exposed to such bitter polemics. Until 1989, J. P. Morgan and Company solemnly presided over American finance from the “Corner” of Broad and Wall. Flanked by the New York Stock Exchange and Federal Hall, the short building at 23 Wall Street, with its unmarked, catercorner entrance, […]...
Central banks and the financial tyranny. In order to understand the deepest secret of the “Global Adversary”, we must explore the sickening idea that World War I and World War II might have both been elaborate, deadly deceptions. You may find this hard to read. You may suddenly feel tired and want to do something else. This is a very normal self-protective response. Your body does not want to go...
Since it is quite impossible to understand the history of the twentieth century without some understanding of the role played by money in domestic affairs and in foreign affairs, as well as the role played by bankers in economic life and in political life, we must take a glance at each of these four subjects. – A quote from professor Carroll Quigley, (Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In...
Depending on where one dated the irreversible decline, it took the Roman Empire almost two centuries to collapse. By the first months of the end of the first decade of the 21st Century, it looked as though it might have taken the American Empire, the self-proclaimed American Century, little more than six decades to accomplish its destruction from within. In both cases the corruption of an oligarchy, a plutocracy in which power was equated to wealth, was at the heart […]...
The destruction of the worldwide economic order in the wake of World War II encouraged world leaders in 1944 to form a meeting to generate alternatives. This conference, referred to as Bretton Woods, resulted in the development of a new global fixed exchange rate regime with the U.S. dollar playing a central role. Under the Bretton Woods system, an ounce of gold could be bought at a fixed international rate...
The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked a historical turning point, not just for geopolitics but also for Russia’s internal economy. The 1990s became a period of unprecedented economic chaos, often referred to as the “economic plundering of Russia.” In his book Shadow Masters, Daniel Estulin unveils the hidden forces behind this tragic chapter in Russia’s history, revealing the key players who facilitated the systematic looting of the...
In 1913, Minnesota Congressman Charles August Lindbergh Sr., father of the famed aviator, wrote Banking, Currency, and the Money Trust, in which he accurately described the political agenda of the Wall Street international bankers who were shaping the creation of a new central bank and with it, control over the nation’s economy. Lindbergh As a Republican member of the US Congress Lindbergh wrote exposing the secret machinations of powerful Wall Street financial interests, their efforts to sneak through a piece […]...