“…how did it happen that scientists from the 1940s understood exactly where they were heading? They had applied after all ideas from XXI century physics… What arguments did they lay down (before the launch of work) that caused them to win the race for funds…? …The unusualness of all this is summed up by the fact, that descriptions of mercuric propulsion had appeared as long ago as in ancient times – in alchemy and old...
There are circa 21,000 visions of Mary in the last 1,000 years, of which 210 were reported between 1928 and 1971. Remarkable fact is that even before Christianity visions and apparitions of Rose Ladies were seen. The most famous of last century (1917) was Fatima. According to Sister Lúcia (she was one of the children who saw the Virgin Mary), Mary requested the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart on several occasions. Mother Goddesses...
The writer Aventinus stated that the Minne and the Minnesingers did not have anything to do with love and constant courting. That’s not entirely true. There are many enigmas and paradoxes concerning the Troubadour movement and their theme “LOVE” in the middle ages. They propagated the quest for selfhood, the birth of the individual. And the individual’s love is discriminative, personal and specific. You will have heard the old legend of how, when God created...
What is going on there? Ufologists are always describing UFO’s as originating in Antarctica. Some believe Atlantis might be hidden deep under the ice of Antarctica. Nowadays numerous nations maintain research bases in Antarctica. Like many other countries, Germany sent expeditions to the Antarctic region in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The third German Antarctic Expedition (1938–1939) was led by Alfred Ritscher (1879–1963), a captain in the German Navy. New Swabia The main...
U-boat missions in Scotland. The Maier files story mentions a special U-boat mission into Scotland (Maier files Unternehmen Kelch). Could there be any trace found about such secret mission, and were there any German submarines spotted around early December or late November 1939 at Carradale Bay, Firth of Clyde or the isle of Arran? The Firth of Clyde forms a large area of coastal water sheltered from the Atlantic Ocean by the Kintyre Peninsula, which encloses the...
The French historian Raimonde Reznikov’s book ‘Cathares et Templiers’ can be something of a scholar’s antidote to the wilder extremes of conspiracy mongering. As reported by Reznikov, besides the evident link that Templars and Cathars were suppressed by shared conspiracy between state and church, the solely genuine sympathetic link originated from the imaginations of eighteenth-century Freemasons. She writes: The Templar mythology, fabricated in the 18th century in the bosom of German lodges by the vanity...
On 13 January 1955 Morris K. Jessup, writer of The Case for the UFO (1955), obtained a letter from a gentleman identifying himself as Carlos Allende. This informed Jessup of a top-secret naval project from the Second World War: the Philadelphia Experiment. So, Allende reported that the US Navy had tried to make warships undetectable. And it was successful in that endeavor on October 28, 1943. On that date the escort destroyer USS Eldridge disappeared from its berth at...
Like that staple opening of so many films, it began with a funeral. On 12 October 1307, James of Molay, Master of the Temple, was one of a number of distinguished personages who held the cords of the pall spread over the coffin of Catherine of Courtenay, wife of Charles of Valois, brother of King Philip the fair of france, during her funeral ceremony in the cathedral of notre-Dame in Paris. Molay’s role was an...