Mystery stories leave a flat aftertaste, because before the solution, anyone might have done it; after, it turns out to have been only a certain someone. But the infinite and the unknown endlessly call each other up, letting imagination loose. We love to live on frontiers that enclose a well mannered, finite world but look out toward the at any time unexpected. Is this mere romantic excitement or the dabbling curiosity of our species carried...
Everything on philosophy related to Maier files series. Posts and Thoughts examining existence, change, properties, space, time, causality, and possibility.
Known to some as Sir Thomas More and to others as Saint Thomas More, the author of 1516’s Utopia—and inventor of the word utopia itself—lived from 1478 to 1535. He was a man of great conviction, deep Catholic faith, and remarkable rhetorical skill. It’s not often possible to trace the origins of an entire literary genre (Utopian and Dystopian Works of Literature) back to a single work. Thomas More was, by training, a lawyer and...
Rothbard’s “Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature” displays a remarkable organic unity: the book is much more than the sum of its parts. Points made in the various essays included in the book mesh together to form a consistent worldview. The system of thought set forward in these essays, moreover, illuminates both history and the contemporary world. In the book’s initial essay, whose title has been adopted for the whole book, Murray Rothbard raises a...
Accelerationism, an intriguing concept rooted in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and embraced by some Marxist theorists, is a radical idea proposing that the best way to bring about significant change is by pushing a system to its extreme limits, hoping to induce its collapse. In this article, we’ll delve into the essence of accelerationism, simplifying its complex theories with relatable examples. The Reductio ad Absurdum Principle Accelerationism draws inspiration from the reductio ad absurdum...
Ernst Jünger, one of the most significant German authors of the 20th century, has provided a unique perspective on the technological age we currently live in. His novels and essays capture the essence of the age of technology and offer a glimpse of the scope of the mobilization of natural and human resources in the technological age. In this book, the author explores Jünger’s concept of the technological age, the turning of being he envisioned,...
In the midst of a world engulfed in the flames of World War II and a tragic civil war in Italy, Julius Evola published his Doctrine of Awakening in 1943. This book, which delves into the depths of Buddhist thought and explores the nature of spirituality and tradition, is a testament to Evola’s ability to transcend the limitations of his time and challenge the modern world’s rejection of traditional values. Evola’s Doctrine of Awakening is...
In the occult scene of the late nineteenth and mid twentieth centuries, a black lodge was a term for occult orders and secret societies dedicated to the study and routine of evil magick. Many of the occult authors of this period treat the presence and activities of the Black Lodges as a matter of common knowledge. They discuss in detail the contrasts between the genuine way of occult initiation and the corrupt way. Black Lodges...
Otto Maier and his theory about waves, reality and time curves are rooted in the works of the men he looked up to, Leibniz and Descartes. In his “First Meditation” (1641), French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes decided he could not be absolutely sure he wasn’t dreaming. Most people would probably disagree with Descartes. You’re not dreaming right now, and you know it because experiences in dreams are different from those in waking life. A...