Currency symbols
David Astle is a researcher who has assembled a massive database and well-argued case for the existence, in ancient times, of an international bullion brokers’ trust. It allied behind the scenes for its own benefit and agenda, with manipulating governments, religions, pantheons and policies. Mr  Astle commenced a sea career at sixteen years of age. During the following years he travelled...
Crowley in China
Part 1 – Aleister Crowley, agent 666 and Lord Tregedar One of those practitioners of the magical and occult arts was Aleister Crowley. Crowley is perhaps the best known ‘occult spy’ operating in the Second World War. And in fact he was already a spy long before the war. It is not surprising that through history occultism and espionage always have...
The Master Mason’s ritual, central to modern Freemasonry, might not be the original version, but rather a substitute. This idea may seem surprising at first glance, but when examined in the historical context of the early 18th century, it opens up fascinating possibilities. The events of 1717, which saw the founding of the first Grand Lodge of England, did not occur in isolation. Instead, they were part of a broader tapestry of religious and political turmoil that had gripped England […]...
Some TIDBITS on the CFR organisation – the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations is one of the most prestigious American think-tanks, and the centerpiece of most speculations on the New World Order, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded in New York City in 1921 by a group of leading American financiers. The seed of the Council...
puppetmasters of debt
The business of banking in Europe in the fourteenth century function was to evaluate, exchange, and safeguard people’s coins. In the beginning, there were notable examples of totally honest banks which operated with remarkable efficiency considering the vast variety of coinage they handled. Honest banks These first banks also issued paper receipts which were so dependable they freely circulated as money...
EU flag
TIDBITS – some events can make one frown … There’s  an interesting article about the orchestration of the EU project, published in the Telegraph (2000). It reveals that the Euro-federalists are financed by US spy chiefs. Like one of the main characters of Maier files once said, there’s always more than meets the eye, you can’t trust anyone … Declassified American government archives demonstrate that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum […]...
Sufi dancer
We already mentioned some occult and secret society members who influenced war and pre-war decisions in England and worked for the intelligence services. In Germany there was a strange character named Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf. It has also been claimed that his real name was Adam Alfred Rudolf Glauer. He founded the Germanen Order society and in 1919 he got himself...
Dr. Joseph Hieronim Retinger is perhaps one of the most mysterious figures of the twentieth century. It is he who is credited with being the father of Bilderberg. He is also credited with being the motivating force behind the European League for Economic Cooperation, the European Movement, and the Council of Europe. A compulsive intriguer and behind-the-scenes political wheeler-dealer, Retinger became...
In the shadows of history, obscured by the veils of secrecy, a clandestine network has operated for over a century, shaping the course of nations and orchestrating events on a global scale. The revelations provided by Edward Griffin’s “The Chasm – The Future is Calling” unveil the hidden hand of this intricate conspiracy that traces its roots to the ambitions of Cecil Rhodes. Through the lens of Carroll Quigley’s extensive research, we journey into the heart of this covert operation […]...
Wendell Holmes
History is a lie. History is, as Wendell Holmes stated, “what the people who won say it is.” It has been warped over vast periods of time to fit with each generation’s idea of what is fact and what is truth. Without the existence of the secret societies, our history would have been totally different. The history of mankind is like...
secret societies
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.  —  Oscar Wilde The most dangerous of all sciences is that of molding mass opinion, because it would enable anyone to govern the whole world.  — Talbot Mundy From the dawn of humanity, the desire to control the thoughts, behaviors, and actions...
World War 1 tragedy
A book dedicated to the victims of an unspeakable evil: HIDDEN HISTORY The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor Their book starts like this: “A carefully falsified history was created to conceal the fact that Britain, not Germany, was responsible for the war. Had the truth become widely known after 1918, the consequences for the British Establishment would have been cataclysmic. The history of the first World War is a deliberately concocted lie. Not […]...
Maier files books