U-boat mission to Scotland
The Maier Files Series contain many levels, secrets and mysterious riddles … Let’s dig into a backstory about the Isle of Arran. In past times Arran was called Emain Ablach, which translates literally as “the place of apples”! Arran also means “the sleeping lord”. Some of you will recognize references to the enchanted Isle of Avalon (Isle of Apples) and the Arthurian legends … Interestingly, the ownership of...
Could it be that the London club mentioned in the Maier Files episode 2, is inspired by the Hell-fire Club? The Hell-Fire club in London is the most notorious “Satanist” organization in eighteenth-century Britain, the Hell-Fire Club was originally founded in London in 1719 by Philip, Duke of Wharton, a liberal politician and atheist who set out to ridicule the religious orthodoxies of his time by holding mock-Satanist...
German flying saucer
An interesting backstory, original text included … Rätsel um „Fliegende Untertassen” The flying saucers mystery ! In 1970, Hans von Gottberg wrote in his book ‘DAS GROSSE BUCH DER BUNDESWEHR‘, (The big book of the German Army) on page 258 the following: For years, the international community is captivated with the enigmatic so-called “flying saucers” or “UFOs”. In 1947, for the first time many silver flashing discs with...
German flying saucer - fliegende Untertasse
Exact 75 years ago – on 15 july 1941, Rudolf Schriever started the development of a jet driven flying saucer. Article published in magazine “Die Deutsche illustrierte” 1953 There is a man in Germany who can say much more about flying saucers than any other man on this planet. He lives in a small house near Bremerhaven and his place buzz with activity. Emissaries from American research institutes and...
EU flag
TIDBITS – some events can make one frown … There’s  an interesting article about the orchestration of the EU project, published in the Telegraph (2000). It reveals that the Euro-federalists are financed by US spy chiefs. Like one of the main characters of Maier files once said, there’s always more than meets the eye, you can’t trust anyone … Declassified American government archives demonstrate that the US intelligence...
“Merkel entmachtet BND: USA kontrollieren Spionage in Deutschland” (article – JUNE 2016) “Merkel Ousts BND: US to Control German Espionage,” a new law will soon be passed in the German parliament and be approved by Chancellor Angela Merkel, which will make Germany’s version of the CIA, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), nothing more than a branch of the CIA, to such an extreme degree, that even U.S. corporate espionage against...
Gehlen’s memoirs are an interesting read and a remarkable view behind the scenes of the eastern front and the fully idiot decisions imposed by politicians (read Hitler), overruling the best military strategies. But don’t expect dangerous revelations. Although there’s an intriguing claim that Martin Bormann, chief of the Nazi party organization, was a Soviet spy personally protected by Hitler. Also a remarkable statement is that in 1939 the...
Rall Ace fighterpilot
Mein Flugbuch are the memoirs of the third highest-scoring fighter ace in history, Günther Rall. Memoirs  are considerably more than recollections put to paper. What’s more, they are more than journalistically composed genuine stories. Memoirs are comprised of two important elements: scene (the story) and reflection. Without reflection, you don’t have a “memoir” — you have an arrangement of vignettes that decribes occasions, but does not permeate the...
Sufi dancer
We already mentioned some occult and secret society members who influenced war and pre-war decisions in England and worked for the intelligence services. In Germany there was a strange character named Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf. It has also been claimed that his real name was Adam Alfred Rudolf Glauer. He founded the Germanen Order society and in 1919 he got himself involved in the Thule Society, a new...
conspiracy eye
FDR once said “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” He was in a good position to know. We believe that many of the major world events that are shaping our destinies occur because somebody or somebodies have planned them that way. If we were merely dealing with the law of avenges, half of the events affecting our...
Ludwig Beck
Von Clausewitz  stated in his book “Vom Kriege” that war is only a continuation of state policy by other means. “Der Krieg ist … ein Akt der Gewalt, um den Gegner zur Erfüllung unseres Willens zu zwingen” War … is an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will … Violence, that is to say (for there is no moral force without the conception...
Bormann Martin
He plays a small role in the story about the disappearance of Otto Maier and Maier files, Martin Bormann. In May 1941 Martin Bormann was made Party Chancellor of the National Socialist Party, a position he utilized to become the Third Reich’s principal bureaucrat. He was also Hitler’s right-hand man, his personal secretary and his bookkeeper, and stood with the Führer until the end. The last incontestable sighting...
Maier files books

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