In their intriguing book, “Flugscheiben über Neuschwabenland” (Flying Discs over Neuschwabenland), authors Heiner Gehring and Karl-Heinz Zunneck delve into the mysterious world of flying discs, exploring the technological advancements and earthly backgrounds behind the UFO phenomenon.
Over the years, the authors have engaged in discussions, exchanged information, and conducted interviews with people of diverse perspectives and scientific outliers. The book’s genesis lies in their pursuit of understanding the history and intricacies of the underground tunnels in the Jonastal area near Arnstadt, Germany. The authors recount their journey, sharing insights gained from their exploration of the Jonastal tunnels and the subsequent quest for knowledge about the V-weapon factory during World War II.
Secret Tech
The book highlights the authors’ attempt to present their findings in earlier publications, such as “Der Flugscheibenmythos” and “Geheimtechnologien, Wunderwaffen und die irdischen Facetten des UFO-Phänomens.” It underscores the existence of technologically advanced aircraft during the Third Reich, known as “Rundflügler,” “Ringflügler,” or “Fluggeräte in Scheibenform,” and their connection to the modern UFO phenomenon.
A significant focus of the book is the claim that post-war advancements by the United States and the Soviet Union, based on captured German technology, contributed to the emergence of the modern UFO phenomenon. The authors argue that both nations propagated the myth of extraterrestrial spacecraft to manipulate public perception while disregarding the possibility of advanced German secret weapons.
Navigating Truth and Fiction
Gehring and Zunneck acknowledge the challenges in discerning truth from fiction within the wealth of materials collected during their extensive research. They address discrepancies, errors, and speculations that have permeated the narratives about “Haunebu,” “Vril,” and other elements associated with German secret projects.
They underscore the need for objective evaluation. Therefor the authors’ commitment to present information, even if it challenges prevailing beliefs. It touches upon the controversial aspects of the alleged German “Absetzbewegung” (escape movement) to South America or Antarctica, questioning the fate of secret projects and the authenticity of drawings and photographs depicting disc-shaped aircraft.
Atomic Bomb
Gehring and Zunneck anticipate a changing landscape in the public perception of historical events, expecting new information to emerge. They draw parallels with the once-dismissed German atomic bomb program, highlighting the need to reassess other seemingly unbelievable claims about advanced German technologies during World War II.
Science Fiction
Exploring a specific genre of literature from the 1920s and 1930s reveals astonishing narratives: Austrian engineer Neuhäuser constructs a ray cannon capable of disabling enemy fleets. Engineer Peter Hartenberger, hailing from Styria, uses his invented nucleide spectroscopy to discover the remnants of Atlantis with its gold treasures on the ocean floor. Despite his intent to offer the gold to the German Reich, French naval interference prevents his dives.
In response, Hartenberger builds a molten iron ray device to repel the French intervention. Near Cologne, engineer Helo Torwaldt establishes the Detatom factory, harnessing the power of atomic disintegration. In this facility, he develops a novel substance called Helan, ideal for spacecraft construction. Though the factory is destroyed by French agents, Torwaldt manages to build a spaceship in underground production facilities and voyages to Mars. There, he uncovers the remains of an ancient advanced civilization. Scientist Heino Harsen also devises a new material, Alumnit, perfect for shipbuilding. The Soviet leadership offers Harsen the Crimean Peninsula as a gift if he reveals the production process for Alumnit, an offer Harsen declines.
More speculative fiction
Engineer Hugo Larsen utilizes the decay energy of radium to create an innovative machine propulsion system. Shortly afterward, the Russians invent a radium engine, leading to German and Russian commands clashing in the radium mines of Belgian Congo. The Russians attempt to incite an uprising among the indigenous population against the whites during this conflict. A German unit under the command of Dietrich Krafft, armed with a weapon developed by Larsen, prevents this.
After World War I, Captain Mader of the Kriegsmarine retreats to a cave somewhere on the Atlantic with his ship and crew. There, he develops a ray device capable of neutralizing fired projectiles. Several German engineers using dowsing rods discover vast deposits of minerals in the Arctic. They establish the state of Nova Thule and construct the cities of Platinia, Ferreta, and Petrolea, along with invincible fighter aircraft. A group of people with German sentiments settles in Norrland in northern Scandinavia, founding an isolated colony. Some scientists from this colony manage to fly to the Moon with a rocket they built.
All these depicted events are, of course, not actual occurrences but rather speculative fiction, excerpts from novels now categorized as “Science Fiction.” However, there is more to these visions of a technological future than mere fantasy; it is the quest for a new, better world, new technical possibilities, and new ways to understand the mysteries of creation. These were also the goals of the “Vril” Society and other groups associated with certain German flying disc projects. What is said to have happened back then, what lies on the hidden side of history, surpasses some of the aforementioned ideas.
Vengeance Weapons
Always consider, regarding the following, that the inventions mentioned earlier, lacking until after the war or to this day, according to official scientific and historical literature, were deemed impossible due to some not surfacing post-war. While the V-1 and V-2 “Vengeance Weapons,” representing a completely new quality of warfare technology, were acknowledged to have been realized by Germany during the war, the economic and military exploitation of nuclear fission supposedly only became possible on the American side at the war’s end, and then only marginally. However, it is asserted that ray weapons, reminiscent of those seen in science fiction films, were never constructed, not to mention other groundbreaking (weapon) technologies. Allegedly, if at all, such technologies have only emerged in the past few years or decades, particularly stemming from the scientific and technological achievements of the former Soviet Union or the USA.
Secret Technology
Yet, is it possible that the public has been kept in the dark about actual developments for almost 60 years? Could it be that the Allies still refuse to admit that the imminent deployment of new German wonder weapons was halted? Is it possible that especially Americans and Russians, in the collapsing Third Reich, found things that horrified them or that they didn’t even comprehend?
Could it be that we have all been deceived about matters we thought were not real or a question of the future? Is it possible that technologies are being withheld from us, which, if available to the average person, would enable us to lead content, independent, and truly free lives? Could it be that there is simply no interest in that, and instead, we are to occupy the status of obedient labor and consumer slaves? Or, perhaps more intriguingly, could it be that, alongside the secret technology the Americans secretly employ, there is another one that surpasses that of the USA? A kind of secret technology of the second generation?
Certainly, at present, we cannot provide definitive answers to these questions, but it remains noteworthy that the number of indicators and facts showing that something is amiss with official historical narratives, particularly regarding the true capabilities of earthly technologies and the associated historical contexts, continues to grow steadily. Perhaps not everything happened exactly as you will read in this book. Some parts of the puzzle we’ve worked on, according to our research, are no longer reconstructable; certain critical information is lost forever due to the death of witnesses and the destruction of specific documents. Speculation replaces certainties. Nevertheless, we believe we can assert that the following presentations come much closer to the truth than anything reported to date on certain interesting and sensitive subjects. We have attempted to separate facts from fictions. Whether we were correct in every case, only time will reveal.