In the rich tapestry of Old Norse literature, tales of encounters between Christian kings and the remnants of the old gods persist as fascinating narratives that reflect the complex interplay between the pagan past and the emerging Christian present. One such tale unfolds in the saga of Óláfs Saga Helga, captured vividly in the introductory quote.
‘Have you no desire to be like that king who was victorious against all whom he fought,
who was handsome also, and accomplished in all things, so that in all the northern lands
there was never his like? He who could grant victory to others in battle as well as to
himself, and who found poetry came as easily to him as speech to other men?’ Then the
king sat up and seized a prayer-book on the bed, and made to hurl it at the stranger’s
head, exclaiming Least of all would I be like you—you wicked Othin!’
Óláfs Saga Helga: Flateyjarbók, II, 56.
The clash between the Christian king Olaf Tryggvason and the enigmatic one-eyed stranger sparks a journey into the heart of Norse heathenism. Hilda Roderick Ellis, in her seminal work “The Road to Hel,” invites readers to explore the intricate layers of Norse heathen thought.
The Persistence of Pagan Power
The eleventh-century struggles of King Olaf Tryggvason and Olaf the Holy to establish Christianity in Norway underscore the enduring influence of Norse heathenism. Despite the rise of Christianity, the old gods wielded a potent force in the minds of the people. Ellis introduces us to an one-eyed stranger who captivates the king with his wisdom and tales of the storied past, showcasing the irresistible allure that the heathen traditions held for the people of Scandinavia.
Yet, paradoxically, despite the richness of Old Norse literature, our understanding of pre-Christian Scandinavian religion remains elusive. Christianity arrived late in the North, accepted by the Icelandic Assembly in A.D. 1000, four centuries after the missionary efforts in other parts of Europe. The literature that preserves heathen traditions is a treasure trove, but it poses challenges due to the Christian lens through which it was recorded.
Ellis’s Focus: Fate of Man After Death
Ellis’s work centers on a crucial aspect of Norse heathenism – the ideas surrounding the fate of individuals after death. She highlights the popular conception of Valhalla, the warrior paradise, and emphasizes that it is just one of many conflicting images of the afterlife present in the Norse corpus. The book aims to untangle the web of beliefs and practices associated with the otherworld and the posthumous fate of individuals.
Navigating the Labyrinth of Norse Beliefs
To unravel the mysteries, Ellis combines literary analysis with insights from archaeology, funeral customs, and anthropological comparisons. She acknowledges the challenges posed by the late recording of heathen literature, urging a cautious and objective approach. The absence of a unified heathen belief system and the evolving nature of Norse thought make the quest for consistency a daunting yet essential task.
Ellis contends that the oral literature, captured in writing after the Christianization of the North, provides a unique snapshot of a shifting and fluid belief system. The literature, though recorded post-Conversion, serves as a vital repository of heathen ideas and practices.
The Challenge of Consistency
Ellis poses the critical test of consistency, seeking agreement among diverse sources, ranging from skaldic poetry to Icelandic sagas. Verbal echoes, parallel statements, and repetitions offer clues to connections between sources, helping to discern deeper agreements amidst surface contradictions.
Ellis underscores the importance of integrating archaeological findings and comparative studies with literary analysis. Archaeology, particularly through the lens of funeral customs, sheds light on the heathen past. The comparison with non-Christian practices in other regions offers additional perspectives, enriching the understanding of Norse heathenism.
“The Road to Hel” serves as an indispensable guide, introducing readers to the complexities of Norse heathen thought. Hilda Roderick Ellis’s meticulous approach encourages a nuanced understanding of the interplay between Christianity and paganism in medieval Scandinavia. As we journey through the pages of this book, we embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries of Valhalla, the afterlife, and the intricate tapestry of Norse beliefs that continue to captivate the imaginations of scholars and enthusiasts alike.
This book serves as a timeless exploration into the Norse conception of the soul, the cult of the dead, and the journey to the land of the deceased. Ellis’s meticulous research and keen insights provide readers with a gateway to the rich heritage of Norse history.
Explore the depths of Norse heathenism with Hilda Roderick Ellis’s “The Road to Hel” on Amazon

“Dear God, I’d Rather Be a Pagan” mug featuring the iconic quote by William Wordsworth is here to ignite your inner free spirit – Get it HERE
The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;—
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers;
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not. Great God! I’d rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathèd horn.
By William Wordsworth