The Archives

freedom of speech
Freedom of speech. It is our most cherished privilege as Americans, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution since 1791. But at the dawn of a new presidential administration, an epic battle is looming – a battle for our airwaves that could sharply curtail or silence...
The short book called The Kybalion, published in 1908, is probably the most popular and, probably, most important occult work of the twentieth century. The book is rivaled in significance only by a much longer and very different work, Manly P. Hall’s magisterial encyclopedia arcana, The Secret Teachings of All Ages,...
Epictetus and how to be free!? Is it a question or an exclamation, a political manifesto or a longing to go native, an aspiration for autonomy or the route to emancipation from bondage? This book presents an ancient Greek philosopher’s take on freedom— freedom construed as living in...
Esotericism; academics tend to look on “esoteric,” “occult,” or “magical” beliefs with contempt, but are usually ignorant about the religious and philosophical traditions to which these terms refer, or their relevance to intellectual history. Wouter J. Hanegraaff tells the neglected story of how intellectuals since the Renaissance have...
Conspiracy theory or conspiracy facts? In case you have not realized it yet, the majority of world events that affect our daily lives are not random but are planned and follow a preset agenda. How did our current problems start? Well, a large branch of it started in...
The Secret History of the Jesuits.The most dangerous of men are those who appear very religious, especially when they are organized and in a position of authority. They have the deep respect of the people who are ignorant of their ungodly push for power behind the scenes. These...
The hidden teachings and practices of German occultism have long held a strong fascination for the poet as well as the historian. The largest German secret lodge—the Fraternitas Saturni, or the Brotherhood of Saturn—revealed neither its membership, its inner teachings, nor its rites. Still the most active and...
midsummer bonfire
Midsummer, the Summer Solstice is one of two yearly solstices, the other being the Winter Solstice, at the opposite end of the year. Technically, the solstice itself falls at the exact moment that Earth’s semi-axis is most inclined toward the sun, which occurs twice a year. So in...
nature vortex
Viktor Schauberger took the ancients’ view of the Sun as the male inseminator of Earth to create bountiful Nature. But, also like the ancients, he saw Nature as the mirror of the Divine. Following Goethe’s eighteenth century view, he conceived of God as a kind of ‘Divine Weaver’...
Alice in Wonderland. The popular view that Wonderland is simply a charming fairy tale full of frivolous nonsense that was made up on a summer’s day is one that Lewis Carroll was happy to foster. Just as a magician would not wish to reveal the years of hard...
Hypnosis, suggestions can drastically alter the way individuals perceive and think about their world. There has always been tension between the rulers and the ruled, the masters and the masses. It is the centrifugal pull of self-desire against the welfare of the larger society, the tether that holds...
Richard Sorge was a bad man who became a great spy – indeed one of the greatest spies who ever lived. The espionage network that he built in pre-war Tokyo put him at just one degree of separation from the highest echelons of power in Germany, Japan and...
Maier files books