The Archives

Reinhard Gehlen BND
A backstory on Reinhard Gehlen and the fear of his “Now it can be told”-bookReinhard Gehlen, founder and head of Germany’s Bundesnachrichtendienst or BND, the Federal intelligence service in the days of the cold war, has enjoyed a publicity remarkable for one who, ostensibly (not to say ostentatiously),...
A Backstory on one of the less obvious themes in the Maier Files and Dietrich’s personal tale, the Disir. Who are the Disir? Or should we call them Idis or Dís? According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the ancient Germanics and Teutons thought of their women as “goddesses”....
If you have been the proverbial fly on the wall in Descartes’s bed-room in La Flèche, in southern France, in 1636, you may have watched Descartes laying in bed observing you. His most remarkable idea came to him while observing a fly crawl along a curved path, which...
Otto Maier Truth
Reveries on the search for Veritas … It is really crystal clear that the concept of dangerous truths has, for a very long time, been widespread, not to say a cliché. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. Curiosity killed the cat. Ignorance is bliss. What...
Few people truly understand the complexities involved with central banking. Most people throughout modern history have made the terrible mistake of not understanding the relevance of their nation’s central banking scheme and a centrally planned economy to their own wealth preservation. Best example is the American FED. But...
The Zillertal lead boxes. One of the many mysteries and anomalies in history of World War Two. This strange account took place on May 2 of 1945. On that day an unknown Company dressed in SS uniforms delivered a convoy to Zillertal Mountain Pass. There a select group...
Gelegentlich ergreifen wir die Feder and schreiben Zeichen auf ein weisses Blatt, Die sagen dies and das, es kennt sie jeder, Es ist ein Spiel, das seine Regeln hat. —Hermann Hesse. Das Glasperlenspiel From time to time we take our pen in hand and scribble symbols on a...
“When one sees a great error made by an enemy, one ought to believe that there is deception underneath.” Then, we should be on the lookout for intentional “great errors” as we read Machiavelli’s works too. Machiavelli’s works are obviously packed with quotations, including allusions and referrals to...
The crime that finally turned the gods against Loki was his role in the death of Balder, however this event is also one of the great puzzles of northern mythology. Why were Odin and Frigg, with all their knowledge, not able to prevent the disaster? What did Odin...
V2 Rocket
T-Force … In the spring of 1945 as the Allied army advanced into Germany there was one objective paramount for the vast majority of its troops – the prompt defeat of the Germans on the battlefield and the swift restoration of peace. However, there was one unit in...
Rothbard’s “Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature” displays a remarkable organic unity: the book is much more than the sum of its parts. Points made in the various essays included in the book mesh together to form a consistent worldview. The system of thought set forward in these...
Dr. Joseph Hieronim Retinger is perhaps one of the most mysterious figures of the twentieth century. It is he who is credited with being the father of Bilderberg. He is also credited with being the motivating force behind the European League for Economic Cooperation, the European Movement, and...
Maier files books