The Archives

“Merkel entmachtet BND: USA kontrollieren Spionage in Deutschland” (article – JUNE 2016) “Merkel Ousts BND: US to Control German Espionage,” a new law will soon be passed in the German parliament and be approved by Chancellor Angela Merkel, which will make Germany’s version of the CIA, the Bundesnachrichtendienst...
Why does it appear on the surface that parties seem to be against each other when all along they are connected? – Think about it! (R. Dietrich) Without the existence of the secret societies, our history would have been totally different. The history of mankind is like a...
EU flag
TIDBITS – some events can make one frown … There’s  an interesting article about the orchestration of the EU project, published in the Telegraph (2000). It reveals that the Euro-federalists are financed by US spy chiefs. Like one of the main characters of Maier files once said, there’s...
German flying saucer - fliegende Untertasse
Exact 75 years ago – on 15 july 1941, Rudolf Schriever started the development of a jet driven flying saucer. Article published in magazine “Die Deutsche illustrierte” 1953 There is a man in Germany who can say much more about flying saucers than any other man on this...
Holle Teich
Hella, Hel, known to all Germanic peoples, including the Goths as Hellarunester. A Gothic word for “witch” was Haljoruna. The name itself stems from a root meaning “to hide”. The word Hellirunar describes people who ‘rune’ (Speak, sing, whisper) with Hel/Helja, the goddess and realm of the underworld....
Keep this story in mind too, as the Maier Files huge storyline will continue. Surprising links exist with historical battles and quests. As said before, there’s always more than meets the eye. The tale of Taliésin is written down in the french book “Bélisama ou l’Occultisme celtique” by...
German flying saucer
An interesting backstory, original text included … Rätsel um „Fliegende Untertassen” The flying saucers mystery ! In 1970, Hans von Gottberg wrote in his book ‘DAS GROSSE BUCH DER BUNDESWEHR‘, (The big book of the German Army) on page 258 the following: For years, the international community is...
In the occult scene of the late nineteenth and mid twentieth centuries, a black lodge was a term for occult orders and secret societies dedicated to the study and routine of evil magick. Many of the occult authors of this period treat the presence and activities of the...
Righteous Judges Rechtvaardige Rechters
The iconography of The Ghent Altarpiece has since a long time fascinated  researchers. When it was finished in 1432, the work of art became instantly the most famous in Europe. It was the first real oil painting. Oil had been utilized to tie shades to artistic creations since...
Of all kinds, the Altar is one of the most common pieces of lodge furniture in secret societies, usually placed at the center of the lodge room, draped with an altar cloth, and provided with one or more symbolic objects. The existence of altars in lodge rooms is...
Bis Bank
Backstories on Maier files. The the Bank for International Settlement (BIS bank) was established on 17 May 1930, The following information can be found on the BIS bank’s website and can be consulted openly. It’s a good reading for everyone who wants to get to know more...
Rosengarten group
There exists several variations on the tale and many poems about Rose garden legends. King Laurin and the love of the month of May are the most famous ones. The Southern Tyrol saga of King Laurin (German term: König Laurin) belongs to a well known tradition in the...
Maier files books

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