The Hidden Wisdom in Arthur’s Grail – In the Celtic sources that are the assumed origin of the Arthurian legends, we are told that the Grail is a cauldron, a symbol both of fertility and immortality. The cauldron was a powerful religious icon of its day. As mentioned...
The Archives
Rejected knowledge is the precise equivalent of religious heresy in today’s secular scientific culture, the field of rejected knowledge consists of all those beliefs, ideas, and systems of thought about nature, history, and the universe that have been condemned by accepted scientific authorities. While many of the elements...
A Lodge is the basic working unit of most secret societies in the western world, the lodge derives its name and many of its customs from the operative stonemasons of the Middle Ages. At each building site, the masons would construct a one-story wooden building, called a lodge,...
The greatest secret of the 20th century was how the gold and treasure of the world was systematically plundered and hidden away… only to be used as collateral for vast, secret bank accounts. If your plan calls for the complete destruction of the global economy, you need a...
The dualistic religious system of Mani is a combination of Gnostic Christianity, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and various other elements, with a basic doctrine of a conflict between light and dark, matter being regarded as dark, evil and imperfect. The physical world, nature and life are considered as the realm...
History is a lie. History is, as Wendell Holmes stated, “what the people who won say it is.” It has been warped over vast periods of time to fit with each generation’s idea of what is fact and what is truth. Without the existence of the secret societies,...
Apollo, the Bearer of Light, patron of poets and travellers, would never abandon his own in distress. He himself had become an outlaw, even seen as the Devil. But as he was not the Devil, he watched over, in accordance with the celestial laws, the forests and the...
TIDBITS – backstory Maier Files – Within the insider circles of the international community, much of the atrocities and problems of WW1 were blamed on the gold standard — for the reasons outlined in Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations from 1776. It was sufficient to convince Emperor...
The Maier Files Series contain many levels, secrets and mysterious riddles … Let’s dig into a backstory about the Isle of Arran. In past times Arran was called Emain Ablach, which translates literally as “the place of apples”! Arran also means “the sleeping lord”. Some of you will...
Lena Müller Home: Heidelberg, Germany. Nationality: German 2007 – Lena Müller is a cocky young woman and sweetheart of Dieter Vleeminckx. Born in Argentina but having the German nationality. After her mother died during childbirth she was raised by her grandfather Heinz Müller. She never knew her father who appears to...
Dieter Vleeminckx Home: Affligem, Flanders Belgium. Nationality: Belgian 2007 – To set the scene, at the start of Maier files series, Dieter Vleeminckx was introduced as the main protagonist. He brought them to surface, the Maier-diaries and a curious small artifact. Dieter Vleeminckx is a web-developer, grandson of Frans Vleeminckx....
Ulva Naumann Home: Detmold, Germany. Nationality: German 2007 – There are mysteries behind her facade. She’s is a quick-witted tough girl and as tenacious as she is smart....