The Archives

johannes bureus
In the annals of Northern Europe during the Renaissance, amidst the flourishing of Hermeticism, Kabbalah, and Medieval magic, emerges an intriguing figure whose life and work spanned the realms of pre-Christian mythology and esoteric Renaissance knowledge. Johannes Thomae Agrivillensis Bureus, known simply as Johannes Bureus (1568-1652), embodies this...
Step into the shadows of history and embark on a journey through the enigmatic world of the Hellfire Club. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of this clandestine society, exploring its origins, rituals, and influential members. Our podcast, “Unveiling the Secrets of the Hellfire Club,” takes...
Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt, born in 1953, is a distinguished figure in Germany, having studied history, German studies, and political sciences in Munich. Transitioning from academia, he embarked on a multifaceted career as a journalist, filmmaker, and lecturer in media and communication sciences. In 2013, he launched the...
In their intriguing book, “Flugscheiben über Neuschwabenland” (Flying Discs over Neuschwabenland), authors Heiner Gehring and Karl-Heinz Zunneck delve into the mysterious world of flying discs, exploring the technological advancements and earthly backgrounds behind the UFO phenomenon. Over the years, the authors have engaged in discussions, exchanged information, and...
In the heart of Europe, a specter is haunting – the specter of the Great Transformation. The forces of the New World Order have united in a sacred crusade against everything old and traditional. This article aims to delve into the German book “Young Global Leaders – Die...
Embark on an extraordinary journey with Maxwell Braunhardt as he unravels the mysteries of the ages in the Maier Files Chronicles Podcast. 🎙️ In Episode 7, titled “Amber & Helgoland Secrets,” the narrative takes a riveting turn, intertwining Gothic traditions, the Grail mystery, and the mythical ladies of...
Accelerationism, an intriguing concept rooted in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and embraced by some Marxist theorists, is a radical idea proposing that the best way to bring about significant change is by pushing a system to its extreme limits, hoping to induce its collapse. In this article,...
In the mystical realms of Maier Files Chronicles, host Maxwell Braunhardt invites listeners on a captivating journey through the ages, unlocking secrets and unraveling mysteries. In this episode, we delve into the enigmatic tale of the Amber Room – a treasure steeped in history, witchcraft, and the ancient...
In 1997, then-U.S. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen delivered a keynote address at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy. In this speech, Cohen unveiled a chilling reality of advanced weaponry and manipulation capabilities. He stated, “There are plenty of ingenious minds out...
In the Federal Republic of Germany, an ominous future looms, one that is literally “radiant.” However, this radiance has nothing to do with economic prosperity, improved quality of life, or the utopian multicultural society advocated by the so-called “elites.” Edgar Mayer and Thomas Mehner, authors of the German...
In the shadows of history, obscured by the veils of secrecy, a clandestine network has operated for over a century, shaping the course of nations and orchestrating events on a global scale. The revelations provided by Edward Griffin’s “The Chasm – The Future is Calling” unveil the hidden...
Maier files books

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